

The Val du Pech Chantant is a private space. You are welcomed by a family at their home. We can receive other guests; also, we invite you to enjoy the place in a friendly atmosphere and respect for everyone's privacy.

  • Arrivals:

In order to welcome our guests in the best conditions, your arrival is possible between 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. In case of early or late arrival, we would like to be informed in advance.

Parking is available at the entrance to our property.


Your departure is scheduled before 11:00 a.m. to allow us to prepare the room for the guests following you.

  • Breakfast:

Between 8:30 and 10:00, an insulated lunch basket is brought to your room or to your private terrace. In the room, a table is dedicated to this moment of relaxation. When your breakfast is finished, we thank our hosts for ensuring the table is cleared by reusing the insulated basket. The basket is to be hung on a hook provided for this purpose outside or on the terrace table.


Every evening from 7:30 p.m., a meal is offered at our table. We ask you to specify the evening(s) you wish to dine when booking your stay. We thank you for reporting any food allergies.

We also offer a packed lunch for guests who wish to dine in their room. This option is possible every evening upon prior request when booking your stay. The packed lunch is delivered at 7:00 p.m. and collected the same evening by us.

  • The rooms:

The rooms ""La bergerie"" and ""La roulotte"" are decorated and furnished for your comfort.

A courtesy tray is available to you.

We leave it to our guests to put away the bedding, personal effects and clothing. For a stay of more than 2 nights, a cleaning visit is carried out in order to empty the trash and change the linen if necessary.

We advise you not to leave valuables (jewelry, multimedia devices, means of payment, etc.) in your room. We decline all responsibility in the event of theft of these objects.

We ask you to take care of your room as we took care in creating and furnishing it.

Any willful damage or loss of key will result in financial compensation from you.

Likewise, your room is a non-smoking area and equipped with a smoke detector.

  • General provisions:

We ask our guests to adopt a decent dress code throughout the property and to commit to returning their room in perfect condition. Any damage must be reported and will be subject to financial compensation.

We advise you not to leave any valuables (jewelry, multimedia devices, means of payment, etc.) in your vehicle. We decline all responsibility in the event of the disappearance of these objects.

We remind you that as part of the protection of minors, the sale of alcohol is prohibited to minors under 18 years of age. Children on our property are under the full responsibility of their parents.

We disclaim any liability for personal injury occurring on our property.

We regret that we cannot accommodate your pets on the Val du Pech Chantant estate and in the room.

Staying at Val du Pech Chantant means accepting no television receiver but the singing and observation of small birds, deer in the meadows, the beauty, the silence of nature. A free connection to our wi-fi is offered.

  • Our ethics:

We are committed to preserving our environment and our planet. Therefore, we ask you to please ensure that:

*turn off the lights when you leave your room;

*turn off the outside light as soon as you enter your room;

*ask for a change of towels if necessary by placing them on the shower tray;

*avoid wasting water by taking care not to let the water run, to moderate the flow during showers and to close the taps after use;

*put your waste in the bins provided in the toilets and bathroom; breakfast waste should be placed in the insulated basket;

*only flush the toilet paper provided to you; wastewater treatment is provided by a septic tank.

We thank you for your cooperation and wish you a pleasant stay.

Isabelle and Christophe, owners of Val du Pech Chantant.

Internal regulations updated on 01/01/2025